Kitten Information
Please note. All of our babies are neutered prior to leaving our home.
No exception.
We also do not export our babies.
Before being considered for a kitten, we would like to know the following.
1. Is your home rented or bought? If rented, do you have permission to have pets?
2. Have you considered the costs of owning a ragdoll?
3. Will your baby have company, ragdolls do not like being left alone for hours on end, they are very social.
4. Holiday provisions. We all enjoy a break away, what provisions do you have for your pets, while away.
5. Do you have any other pets, if so, ages and breed, do they go out?
6. Do you have children, if so, ages and are they used to pets?
Please note the questions are purely for us to get an idea on you and your family.
Kittens are born and raised in my bedroom until they have received first vaccines.. At this age they will be 'let loose' in the house so as to enable them to get used to noises such as the vacuum cleaner, television, washing machine and other human beings.
All kittens are born white. Therefore, it is a little while before we will know what patterns and colours we will have. Information about sex, colour and pattern, will be published on the kittens available page.
I can reassure any prospective owners that both Parents to my kittens have tested negative for the HCM gene., Copies of Certificates will be provided in your kitten pack.
All kittens will be weaned and litter trained.
All kittens will be vaccinated. However this does not include Leukemia.
All kittens will leave with five weeks complimentary Agria (GCCF) insurance. We highly recommend that the Insurance is continued, this is for the welfare of your baby.
We appreciate some people have provisions to cover vet costs without insurance.
Kittens will NOT be available for viewing until after their first vaccinations at 9 weeks of age.
We do early neuter our kittens.
Please note: We DO NOT sell cats for breeding. If at any time we did, the following conditions would apply. The buyer would be a fully registered breeder and member with The British Ragdoll Cat Club and have done at least 2 seminars. You will have held your own prefix for a minimum of 12 months. A very strict contract is in place and would have to be agreed and adhered too.
We do not sell kittens for export.
Please be prepared for lots of questions. Kittens will only be available to homes, where they will be as loved, spoilt and cared for as they are with me.
Please remember, ragdolls are normal kittens. They will not be instant lapcats, as quite frankly, would you want to lie down a lot when there is all this exciting stuff to see and explore. Also, they will have come from a home with other cats and their siblings so for the first few weeks, they will need a lot of attention and reassurance, if they go to a home alone.
Please see our 'Kitten Agreement' page, this is the contract we ask all new owners to sign.
All kittens will be taken to their new homes by myself. We reserve the right to immediately terminate the contract, if on arrival, we feel the home is not suitable, or, we feel the kitten would be at risk.
All new owners will be required to sign a Kitten Agreement. I invest a lot of time
raising these beautiful babies and will only allow them to go to the best possible homes. Unless a Kitten Agreement is signed the kitten will not be released from my care.
I will not sell a single kitten to homes where they will be left alone all day. Ragdolls are very social cats and love company. Kittens will also not be sold to homes, where they will be locked away in a room alone day or night.
Our kittens may NEVER be allowed to free roam. This is a serious breach of our contract.
Show quality kittens may be available. Please note: We cannot guarantee success on the show bench.Please also note that your baby may not want to be shown.
We would also love to be kept up to date with your new kittens progress. The occasional email or photograph would be very happily recieved.